朱 军
      浙江大学 教授
浙江大学生物信息学研究所 所长
电话: (0571) 88981778 (办公室), 86971731 (实验室)
传真: (0571) 88981358


  • 1982年浙江农业大学 作物遗传育种硕士
  • 1989 美国北卡罗来纳州立大学 统计学和遗传学博士


Genetica》编委、《遗传学报》和《遗传》副主编、《生物数学学报》编委、《中国棉花学报》编委、《作物学报》编委、《Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics》编委、《生物信息学》编委、《浙江大学学报(Science)编委、《浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》常务副主编


  • 1994年《作物数量性状遗传分析新方法的研究》获国家教委科技进步二等奖,(第一完成人)
  • 1999年《昆虫发育速率在恒温和变温下的变化规律》获教育部科技进步二等奖,(第四完成人)
  • 2001作物种子品质性状遗传模型和统计分析方法的研究及其在作物育种中的应用获教育部中国高校科学技术(自然科学)二等奖(第一完成人)
  • 1995年被分别评为首届浙江省杰出教师全国优秀教师
  • 2001年被评为全国师德先进个人
  • 2003年获浙江省高等学校教学名师奖
  • 2004获浙江省“功勋教师
  • 2005年被评为浙江省特级专家
  • 2006《双列杂交和种质资源评价的遗传模型及分析方法研究》获浙江省科技术进步一等奖(第一完成人)





1.  提出了包括QTL加性、显性、上位性主效应及其与环境互作的基因定位遗传模型 (E35, E68, E69, C49, C50, C57)

  1. 提出了包括种子核基因、母体植株核基因和细胞质基因遗传效应的广义遗传模型 (E3, E4, C4, C14),随后又扩展到包括基因型×环境互作效应的种子广义遗传模型 (C17, C30)
  2. 提出了利用亲本和F2的双列杂交试验资料,预测杂种后代的基因型值和杂种优势的遗传模型和分析方法 (C6, C8)
  3. 提出了利用双列杂交的三个世代 (亲本、F1F2),分析加性、显性和加×加上位性效应的遗传模型和杂种优势分析方法 (E33, C4)
  4. 提出了可以分析作物杂交组合花培遗传表现的配子体遗传模型 (E13)
  5. 提出了可以分析一组亲本及其F1雌雄个体的加性效应、显性效应、母体效应及性连锁效应的动物遗传模型(E10)
  6. 提出了可以分析动物加性效应、显性效应、母体加性效应、母体显性效应及性连锁效应的双列杂交遗传模型 (C20)
  7. 提出了可以分析海洋生物异交群体不完全双列杂交后代加性效应、非加性效应、母体效应和父体效应的遗传模型 (E1)
  8. 提出了可分析数量性状主基因和微效多基因遗传效应的二倍体动植物遗传模型和作物种子遗传模型 (E45, E46)
  9. 提出了可以分析啤酒大麦麦芽性状的二倍体胚和三倍体胚乳遗传效应及其与环境互作效应的遗传模型 (E18)
  10. 提出了可以提高检测功效和降低假阳/阴性率的cDNA微阵列基因表达谱分析方法(E54)
  11. 提出了可以包括宿主和寄主二个基因组之间基因相互作用的QTL定位遗传模型(E75)



  1. 提出了基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图方法,能有效定位QTL并分析其上位性效应及QTL与环境互作效应,突破了国际上通用的QTL基因定位方法不能有效分析上位性及QTL与环境互作的局限性 (E25, E35, C49, C50, C57)
  2. 提出了分析混合线性模型随机变量各项方差和协方差分量的MINQUE (0/1)法,可以无偏估算作物种子模型多套遗传体系遗传效应方差分量以及种子核基因与母体植株核基因遗传效应的协方差分量 (E3, E4, C4)
  3. 提出了不等矩阵成对性状协方差分量估算的统计分析方法,可以无偏估算农艺性状与种子品质性状遗传协方差分量 (C7)
  4. 提出了混合线性模型中随机效应的调整无偏预测 (简称AUP)分析方法,可以无偏估算随机效应的均值和方差,并可用于分析非正态分布的变量 (E10, C6)
  5. 提出了可以用于发育数量遗传分析的条件遗传方差分量和条件遗传效应值的统计分析新方法 (E5, E15),并进一步提出发育数量性状基因定位的统计方法 (E20, E43)
  6. 提出了分析多年份区域试验或种质资源评估试验的非平衡资料的统计方法 (C11, C12),还发展了对区试点和参试品种进行聚类分析的统计方法 (C15)
  7. 提出了估算基于混合线性模型的成对性状之间各项遗传协方差分量的MINQUE算法 (E3, E4, C4)
  8. 提出了以较小的样本保留原群体遗传变异性的种质资源核心库的构建方法 (E39, C71, C92)
  9. 提出了基于混合线性模型和MCMC方法的基因定位统计方法并开发了计算机分析软件QTLNetwork(E68, E74)



  1. 1996,陈建国,籼粳亚种间杂交水稻品质性状的遗传研究.
  2. 1997, 楼向阳, 玉米opaque-2 及微效基因对籽粒品质性状影响的遗传研究.
  3. 1998, 严菊强, Molecular Dissection of Genotype by Environment Interaction for Some Agronomy Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa l.)
  4. 1998, 左清凡, 多环境下非等试验设计水稻数量性状的遗传分析
  5. 1998, 王洪刚,利用中间偃麦创造小麦新种质及其生化和分子标记研究
  6. 1998, 王道龙, A Mixed Model Approach for Mapping Qtls with Epistatic Effects
  7. 1998, 闫新甫,大麦营养和酿造品质性状的遗传效应研究
  8. 1998, 周厚高,等位基因频率资料的分支分类方法研究
  9. 1998, Mebrouk Benmoussa, Molecular dissection of Yield and Yield components in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by using genotype by environment interaction models
  10. 1998, 石春海, 早籼稻稻米品质数量性状的胚、胚乳、细胞质和母体遗传效应研究
  11. 1999, 许自成, 复交方式遗传模型构建及杂种优势预测方法研究
  12. 1999, Abderrahmane Achouch, Comparisons of Genetic Models Using Monte Carlo Simulations
  13. 1999, Prasanna Kumar Pathak, Dynamic QTL Mapping for Early Vegetative Growth and Response to Cold Stress in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)
  14. 1999, 胡晋, 多次聚类构建作物遗传资源核心种质库的方法研究
  15. 2000,曹刚强,水稻若干农艺性状的QTL上位性和条件遗传效应研
  16. 2000,王胜初,Simulation Study on the Methods for Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci in Inbred Line Crosse
  17. 2001,吴吉祥,Comparisons on Properties of Marker Linkage and QTL Mapping Between Two Methods of Recombinant Inbred Line Development
  18. 2001,高用明,复杂上位性及其与环境互作的QTL定位方法和杂种优势预测研究
  19. 2002,叶子弘,陆地棉开花成铃性状的发育遗传研究
  20. 2002,刘鹏渊,Study on Methods for Marker-Assisted Selection Based on QTLs with Complicated Epistasis and Their Environmental Interactions
  21. 2002,曹立勇,水稻几个重要性状的QTL定位及抗白叶枯病基因分子标记辅助选择
  22. 2003,陆燕,Study on Methods for Microarray Data Analysis Based on Mixed Linear Model Approach and Conditional Variable Analysis
  23. 2005, 肖炳光, 烤烟农艺性状和烟叶化学成分的遗传分析
  24. 2005, 徐海明, 种质资源核心库构建方法的研究及其应用
  25. 2005,刘桂富,Genetic Bases for Some Agronomic Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
  26. 2005,赵彦宏,双列杂交分析与QTL定位分析之间关系的研究
  27. 2006,张文英,Studies on Methods of Index Selection Upon Seed Traits, and Traits Under Epistatic Effect with Genotype × Environment Interaction
  28. 2006,吴家胜,Hyperdimensional Models for Functional Mapping of Environment -Induced Response in Development
  29. 2006,韩立德,Studies on Methods for Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs) and Inferring Regulatory Network Based on Microarray Data
  30. 2006,汪旭升,Study of Gene Families and Non-Coding Sequences Based on Bioinformatics Methods
  31. 2008杨剑,复杂性状遗传分析方法研究及其软件开发
  32. 2008刘海岚,两种新的预测水平转移基因的方法
  33. 2008Yousaf  HayadDeveloping Methods and Software for Genetic Analysis of Complex Traits



  1. 《生命科学研究与应用》1996年,99万字,浙江大学出版社,主编。
  2. 《遗传模型分析方法》, 1997, 24万字, 中国农业出版社, 独著
  3. 《线性模型分析原理》, 1999, 18.5万字, 科学出版社, 独著
  4. 《遗传学》第三版,200258.5万字,中国农业出版社,主编
  5. Advanced Topics in Biomathematics: Procceedings of International Conference on Mathematical BiologyEdited by L. S. Chen, S. G. Ruan, and J. Zhu, 1998. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore.
  6. Genetic Improvement of Cotton: Emerging TechnologiesEdited by J. N. Jenkins and S. Saha, 2001年,Science Publishers, INC. (独编第三章:"New Approaches for Analyzing Quantitative Traits and Their Applications in Cotton"pp43-64; 第三作者合编第七章:"Molecular Markers and Quantitative Traits in Gossypium hirsutum L."J. N. Jenkins, Z.W. Shappley, J. Zhu, and J. C. McCarty (Jr.), pp123-136 )
  7. Handbook of Formulas and Software for Geneticists and Breedersedited by Manjit S. Kang2003年,Food Products PrHard Cover ISBN: 1560229489Soft Cover ISBN: 1560229497。(总共32章,独著8章):
    Chapter 2. Diallel Analysis for a Seed and Endosperm Model with Genotype by Environment Interaction Effects
    Chapter 3. Diallel Analysis for an Additive-Dominance Model with Genotype by Environment Interaction Effects
    Chapter 4. Diallel Analysis for an Additive-Dominance -Epistasis Model with Genotype by Environment Interaction Effects
    Chapter 5. Diallel Analysis for an Animal Model with Sex-Linked and Maternal Effects Along with GE Interaction Effects
    Chapter 10. Developmental Analysis for Quantitative Traits
    Chapter 16. Mixed Linear Model Approaches for Quantitative Genetic Models
    Chapter 19. Analysis for Regional Trials with Unbalanced Data
    Chapter 20. Conditional Mapping of QTLs with Epistatic and QTL by Environment Interaction Effects for Developmental Traits
    Chapter 21. Mapping QTLs with Epistatic Effects and QTL by Environment (QE) Interaction Effects



  1. 国家自然科学基金项目《作物数量性状的新遗传模型及其分析方法的研究》,19921月~199412.
  2. 国家自然科学基金项目《作物种质资匆糯掷嗪推兰鄯椒ǖ难芯》,19951月~199712.
  3. 国家自然科学基金项目《作物数量性状发育遗传的机理研究及其应用》,19971月~199912.
  4. 国家自然科学基金项目《数量性状基因定位的遗传模型和统计分析方法研究(重大项目专题)19981月~20028
  5. 国家自然科学基金项目基于QTL效应改良遗传群体和预测杂种优势的方法研究》,20001月~200212
  6. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题《复杂疾病或性状的遗传信息分析》,20021月~200512
  7. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题《主要农作物虚拟分子设计育种》的子课题《计算机模拟分子育种技术体系》,20036月~200510
  8. 国家自然科学基金项目《cDNA 微阵列基因表达谱遗传模型构建与分析方法的研究20051月~200512
  9. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目《棉花纤维品质性状的分子改良的基础研究》的课题《棉花纤维品质功能基因组学研究与分子改良》20051月~200912


E1.    Lisa A. Levin, J. Zhu, and Elizabeth L. Creed (1991). The genetic basis of life-history characters in a polychaete exhibiting planktotrophy and lecithothrophy. Evolution, 45(2): 380-397. [Full text/PDF]

E2.    Shi C. H., and J. Zhu. (1993). Analysis of seed and maternal genetic effects on milling quality characters in indica hybrid rice. Rice Genetics Newsletter, 10: 110-111.

E3.    Zhu J. and B. S. Weir. (1994). Analysis of cytoplasmic and maternal effects: I. a genetic model for diploid plant seeds and animals. Theor. Appl. Genet, 89:153-159.[Full text/PDF]

E4.    Zhu J. and B. S. Weir. (1994). Analysis of cytoplasmic and maternal effects: II. genetic models for triplod endosperms. Theor. Appl. Genet, 89:160-166.[Full text/PDF]

E5.    Zhu J. (1995). Analysis of conditional effects and variance components in developmental genetics. Genetics, 141(4):1633-1639. [Full text/PDF]

E6.    Shi C. H., and J. Zhu. (1995). Analysis of seed and maternal genetic effects for nutritive quality traits of grain in indica rice. (Chinese Journal of Genetics, 20(3): 173-180.

E7.    Liu S. S., G.-M. Zhang, and J. Zhu. (1995). The influence of temperature variations upon rate of development in insects: an analysis of case studies from the entomological literature. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 88(2): 107-119 [Full text/PDF]

E8.    Shi C. H., and Zhu Jun (1995). Analysis of seed, cytoplasmic, and maternal genetic effects on rice quality traits. International Rice Research Notes, 20(2): 4.

E9.    Zhu, J. (1996). Analytic Methods for seed models with genotype ´ environment interaction. Chinese Journal of Genetics 23(1): 11-22.

E10.   Zhu J. and B. S. Weir. (1996). Diallel analysis for sex-linked and maternal effects. Theor. Appl. Genet, 92(1):1-9. [Full text/PDF]

E11.   Zhu J. and B. S. Weir. (1996) Mixed model approaches for diallel analysis based on a bio-model. Genetical Research, 68:233-240.[Full text/PDF]

E12.   Shi C. H., J. M. Xue, Y. G. Yu, X. E. Yang, and J. Zhu (1996). Analysis of genetic effects for nutrient quality traits in indica rice. Theor. Appl. Genet., 92(8):1099-1102. [Full text/PDF]

E13.   Yan J. Q., Q. Z. Xue and J. Zhu, (1996). Genetic studies of anther culture ability in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Cultural, 45(3): 253-258Fu.[Full text/PDF]

E14.   Shi C. H and J. Zhu. (1996). Study on endomsperm, cytoplasmic and maternal plant genetic effects for nutritive quality traits in indica rice. Rice Genetics Newsletter, 12: 224-225.

E15.   Atchley W. R. and J. Zhu. (1997). Developmental quantitative genetics, conditional epigenetic variability and growth in mice. Genetics 147:765-776.[Full text/PDF]

E16.   Shi C. H., J. Zhu, R. C. Zang and G. L. Chen. (1997). Genetic and heterosis analysis for cooking quality traits of indica rice in different environments. Theor. Appl. Genet., 95:294-300. [Full text/PDF]

E17.   Shi C. H., J. Zhu (1997). Analysis of genetic and genotype environment interaction effects on heterosis of nutrient quality traits in in indica hybrid rice. International Rice Research Notes, 22(3): 7.

E18.   Yan X. F., S. Y. Xu . Y. H. Xu . J. Zhu (1998). Genetic investigation of contributions of embryo and endosperm genes to malt kolbach index, alpha-amylase activity and wort nitrogen content in barley. Theor. Appl. Genet., 96:(5):709-715.[Full text/PDF]

E19.   Yan, J. Q., J. Zhu, C. X. He, M. Benmoussa, and P. Wu (1998). Quantitative trait loci analysis for developmental behavior of tiller number in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Theor. Appl. Genet., 97:267-274.[Full text/PDF]

E20.   Yan, J. Q., J. Zhu, C. X. He, M. Benmoussa, and P. Wu (1998) Molecular dissection of developmental behavior of plant height in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Genetics 1501257-1265. [Full text /PDF]

E21.   Shappley, Z. W., Johnie N. Jenkins, J. Zhu, and Jack C. McCarty, Jr. 1998. Quantitative trait loci associated with agronomic and fiber traits of Upland cotton. J. Cotton Science 2(4): 153-163.[Full text/PDF]

E22.   McCarty, Jr., J. C., J. N. Jenkins and J. Zhu. 1998. Introgression of day-neutral genes in primitive cotton accessions: I. genetic variances and correlations. Crop Sci. 38:1425-1428.[Full text/PDF]

E23.   McCarty, Jr., J. C., J. N. Jenkins and J. Zhu. 1998. Introgression of day-neutral genes in primitive cotton accessions: II. predicted genetic effects. Crop Sci. 38: 1428-1431.[Full text /PDF]

E24.   Shi C. H., and J. Zhu. (1998). Analysis of seed and maternal genetic effects for nutritive quality traits of grain in indica rice. Seed Science and Technique, 26(2): 481-488. [Full text/PDF]

E25.   Zhu J. and B.S. Weir (1998). Mixed model approaches for genetic analysis of quantitative traits. In Advanced Topics in Biomathematics: Procceedings of International Conference on Mathematical Biology. pp:321 ~330. Edited by L. S. Chen, S. G. Ruan, and J. Zhu, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore.[Full text/PDF]

E26.   Benmoussa, M., J. Zhu, J. Q. Yan, C. X. He, and P. Wu (1998). QTL mapping for yield components across environments in rice (Oryza sativa L.). In Advanced Topics in Biomathematics: Procceedings of International Conference on Mathematical Biology. pp:15-20. Edited by L. S. Chen, S. G. Ruan, and J. Zhu, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore.[Full text/PDF]

E27.   Yan, J. Q., J. Zhu, C. X. He, M. Benmoussa, and P. Wu (1998). QTL analysis for developmental behavior of plant height in rice (Oryza sativa L.). In Advanced Topics in Biomathematics: Procceedings of International Conference on Mathematical Biology. pp:285-290. Edited by L. S. Chen, S. G. Ruan, and J. Zhu, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore. [Full text/PDF]

E28.   Wu, J. X., H. M. Xu, J. Zhu (1998). An approach to eliminating systematic errors in genetic analysis. In Advanced Topics in Biomathematics: Procceedings of International Conference on Mathematical Biology. PP:265-270. Edited by L. S. Chen, S. G. Ruan, and J. Zhu, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore. [Full text/PDF]

E29.   Lou, X. Y., J. Zhu, Q. D. Zhang, R. C. Zang and Y. Cheng. (1998). A genetic study on the effects of Opaque-2 and polygenes on kernel quality traits in maize. In Advanced Topics in Biomathematics: Procceedings of International Conference on Mathematical Biology. pp:143-148. Edited by L. S. Chen, S. G. Ruan, and J. Zhu, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore. [Full text/PDF]

E30.   Yan, X. F., J. Zhu, S. Y. Xu and Y. H. Xu. (1999). Genetic effects of embryo and endosperm for four malting quality traits of barley. Euphytica, 106: 27-34 [Full text/PDF]

E31.   Shi, C. H., J. Zhu, X. Yang, Y. G. Yu and J. G. Wu. (1999). Genetic analysis for protein content in indica rice. Euphytica , 107: 135-140 [Full text/PDF]

E32.   Chen, J. G. and J. Zhu. (1999). Genetic effects and genotype ´ environment interactions for cooking quality traits in indica-japonica crosses of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Euphytica, 109: 9-15  [Full text/PDF]

E33.   Xu, Z.C., J. Zhu. (1999). An approach for predicting heterosis based on an additive, dominance and additive ´ additive model with environment interaction. Heredity, 82(5):510-517.[Full text /PDF]

E34.   Yan, J. Q., J. Zhu, C. X. He, M. Benmoussa, P. Wu. (1999). Molecular marker-assisted dissection of genotype by environment interaction for plant type traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Crop Sci. 39(2): 538-544. [Full text/PDF]

E35.   Wang, D. L., J. Zhu, Z. K. Li, and A. H. Paterson. (1999).Mapping QTLs with epistatic effects and QTL ´ environment interactions by mixed linear model approaches. Theor. Appl. Genet., 99:1255-1264.[Full text/PDF]

E36.   Shi, C. W., J. Zhu, J.G. Wu, X. E. Yang and Y. G. Yu. (1999). Analysis of embryo, endosperm, cytoplasmic and maternal effects for heterosis of protein and lysine content in indica hybrid rice. Plant Breeding, 1999, 118(6) 574-576[Full Text /PDF]

E37.   Shi, C. H., J. Zhu, and Y. G. Yu, (2000). Genotype × environment interaction effects and genotypic correlations for nutrient quality traits of Indica rice (Oryza sativa L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, 70(2): 85-89.[Full text/PDF]

E38.   Hu, J., J. Zhu, and H. M. Xu. (2000). Methods of constructing core collections by stepwise cluster with three sampling strategies based on genotypic values of crops. Theor. Appl. Genet., 101:264-268.[Full text/PDF]

E39.   Shi, C. H., J. Zhu, J. G. Wu and F. L Fan. (2000). Genetic and genotype × environment interaction effects from embryo, endosperm and maternal plant for rice grain shape traits of Indica rice. Field Crop Research 68:191-198.[Full text /PDF]

E40.   Wu J., J. N., Jenkins, J. C. McCarty, Jr., and J. Zhu. (2000). Comparison of QTL mapping properties for two methods of RI development. P. Dugger and D. Richter P565. Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. Jan. 4-8. San Antonio, TX.

E41.   Wu J., J. Jenkins J., P. Tan, J. McCarty Jr., J. Zhu, and S. Saha. (2001). Genetic mapping of QTL and DNA markers in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) using recombinant inbred lines. P218. The International Conference on Plant and Animal Genome IX January 13-17, San Diego, CA.

E42.   Cao, G. Q, J. Zhu , C. X. He, Y. M. Gao, J. Q. Yan, and P. Wu. (2001). Impacts of Epistasis and QTL´Environment Interaction for Developmental Behavior of Plant Height in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theor. Appl. Genet.,103:153-160.[Full text/PDF]

E43.   Shi C.H., J.G.Wu, L.J.Fan, J.Zhu, and P.Wu. (2001). Developmental genetic analysis of brown rice weight under different environmental conditions in indica rice. Acta Botanica Sinica,43(6):603-609. [Full text/PDF]

E44.   Wu, R. L., C. X. Ma, J. Zhu, and G. Casella. (2002). Mapping epigenetic quantitative trait loci (QTL) altering a developmental trajectory. Genome 45:28-33.[Full Text/PDF]

E45.   Lou, X. Y., J. Zhu. (2002). Analysis of genetic effects of major genes and polygenes on quantitative traits: I. Genetic model for diploid plants and animals. Theor. Appl. Genet., 104 (2-3):414-421.[Full Text /PDF]

E46.   Lou, X. Y., J. Zhu. (2002). Analysis of genetic effects of major genes and polygenes on quantitative traits: II. Genetic model for seed traits of crops. Theor. Appl. Genet., 105: 964-971.[Full Text /PDF]

E47.   Shi, C. H., J.G. Wu, X. B. Lou, J. Zhu and P. Wu. (2002). Genetic analysis of transparency and chalkiness area at different filling stages of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Field Crop Research, 76:1-9.[Full Text /PDF]

E48.   Ye, Z. H., Z. Z. Lu and J. Zhu. (2003). Genetic analysis for developmental behavior of some seed quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypum hirsutum L.). Euphytica, 129(2):183-191.[Full Text /PDF]

E49.   Liu, P. Y., J. Zhu, X. Y. Lou and Y. Lu. (2003). A method for marker-assisted selection based on QTLs with epistatic effects. Genetica, 119: 75-86. [Full Text /PDF]

E50.   Wu, J., J. N. Jenkins, J. Zhu, J. C. McCarty Jr., and C. E. Watson. (2003). Comparisons of quantitative trait locus mapping properties between two methods of recombinant inbred line development. Euphytica, 132: 159-166. [Full Text /PDF]

E51.   Wu, J., J. N. Jenkins, J. Zhu, J. C. McCarty Jr., and C. E. Watson. (2003). Monte Carlo simulations on marker grouping and ordering. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 107: 568-573. [Full Text /PDF]

E52.   Liu, P., J. Zhu, and L. Yan, (2004). Marker-assisted selection in segregating generations of self-fertilizing crops. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 109(2): 370-376.[Full Text /PDF]

E53.   Zhao, W., J. Zhu, G. M. Maria and R. Wu. (2004). A unified statistical model for functional mapping of environment-dependent genetic expression and genotype × environment interactions for ontogenetic development. Genetics, 168 (3): 1751-1762.[Full Text /PDF]

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E56.   Yang, J., and J. Zhu. (2005). Methods for predicting superior genotypes under multiple environments based on QTL effects. THeoretical and Applied Genetics, 110: 1268-1274. [Full Text /PDF]

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E58.   Lou X. Y,, J. Zhu, Q. D. Zhang, R. C. Zang, Y. B. Chen, Z. L. Yu, and Y. J. Zhao, (2005). Genetic control of the opaque-2 gene and background polygenes over some kernel traits in maize (Zea mays L.). Genetica 124 (2): 291-300. [Full Text /PDF]

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E63. Cui Y. H., J. Zhu, and R. L. Wu. (2006). Functional mapping for genetic control of programmed cell death. Physiol Genomics 25: 458-469. [Full Text /PDF]

E64. Cui Y. H., D. Y. Kim, and J. Zhu. (2006). On the generalized Poisson regression mixture model for mapping quantitative trait loci with count data. Genetics 174 (4): 2159-2172. [Full Text /PDF]

E65. Xiao, B.G.J. Zhu, X.P. Lu, Y.F. Bai, Y.P. Li. (2007). Analysis on genetic contribution of agronomic traits to total sugar in flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Field Crops Research. 102(2): 98-103. [Full Text /PDF]

E66. Wang X. S., H. B. Zhu, G. L. Jin, H. L. Liu, W. R. Wu, and J. Zhu. (2007). Genome-scale identification and analysis of LEA genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Science 172 (2): 414-420. [Full Text /PDF]

E67. Lou, X. Y., G. B. Chen, L. Yan, J. Z. Ma, J. Zhu, R. C. Elston, and M. D. L. (2007). A generalized combinatorial approach for detecting gene-by-gene and gene-by-environment interactions with application to nicotine dependence. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 80:1125-1137. [Full Text /PDF]

E68. Yang, J., J. Zhu, and R. W. Williams. (2007). Mapping the genetic architecture of complex traits in experimental populations. Bioinformatics, 23: 1527-1536. [Full Text /PDF]

E69. GaoM., and J. Zhu, (2007). Mapping QTLs with digenic epistasis under multiple environments and predicting heterosis based on QTL effects. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 115 (3): 325-333. [Full Text /PDF]

E70. Wu, J. S., B. Zhang, Cui YH, et al., (2007). Genetic mapping of developmental instability: Design, model and algorithm. Genetics, 176 (2): 1187-1196. [Full Text /PDF]

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E72. Cui, Y. H., R. L. Wu, G. Casella, and J. Zhu, (2008). Nonparametric functional mapping of quantitative trait loci underlying programmed cell death. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 7(1):1-30. [Full Text /PDF]

E73. Liu, G. F., J. Yang, H. M. Xu, Y. Hayat, and J. Zhu, (2008). Genetic analysis of grain yield conditioned on its component traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 59: 189195. [Full Text /PDF]

E74. Yang, J., C. C. Hu, H. Hu, R. D. Yu, Z. Xia, X. Z. Ye, and J. Zhu, (2008). QTLNetwork: mapping and visualizing genetic architecture of complex traits in experimental populations. Bioinformatics  24(5):721-723. [Full Text /PDF]

E75. Yang, J., W. R. Wu, and J. Zhu, (2008). Mapping interspecific genetic architecture in a hostparasite interaction system. Genetics, 178: 1737-1743. [Full Text /PDF]

E76. Han, L, D., H. M. Xu, J. Zhu, and X, Y, Lou, (2008). Analysis of genetic effects of nuclear-cytoplasmic interaction on quantitative traits: Genetic models for seed traits of plants. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 116(6): 769-776. [Full Text /PDF]

E77. Wang, X., M. Zhang, J. Zhu, S. Geng. (2008). Spectral prediction of Phytophthora infestans infection on tomatoes using artificial neural network (ANN). International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(6):1693-1706. [Full Text /PDF]

E78. Han, L. D., J. Zhu. (2008). Using matrix of thresholding partial correlation coefficients to infer regulatory network. Biosystems, 91(1): 158-165. [Full Text /PDF]

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E81. Chen, G. B., T. J. Payne, X. Y. Lou, J. Z. Ma, J Zhu, and M. D. Li. (2008). Association of amyloid precursor protein-binding protein, family B, member 1 with nicotine dependence in African and European American smokers. Hum Genet, 124:393–39. [Full Text /PDF]

E82. Hayat, Y., J. Yang, H. M. Xu, and J. Zhu. (2008). Influence of outliers on QTL mapping for complex traits. Journal of Zhejiang University (SCIENCE) B, 9(12): 931-937. [Full Text /PDF]

E83. Wu, J. X., O. A. Gutierrez, J. N. Jenkins, J. C. McCarty, and J. Zhu. (2009). Quantitative analysis and QTL mapping for agronomic and fiber traits in an RI population of upland cotton. EUPHYTICA, 165(2): 231-245. [Full Text /PDF]

E84. Yang, J., Y. Y. Zou, and J. Zhu. (2009). Identifying differentially expressed genes in human acute leukemia and mouse brain microarray datasets utilizing QTModel. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 9(1):59-66. [Full Text /PDF]

E85. Zhang, W. Y., H. M. Xu, and J. Zhu. (2009). Index selection on seed traits under direct, cytoplasmic and maternal effects in multiple environments. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 36(1):41-4. [Full Text /PDF]

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E89. Xia, Z., G. L. Jin, J. Zhu, and R. H. Zhou. (2009). Using a mutual information based site transition network to map the genetic evolution of influenza A/H3N2 virus. Bioinformatics, 25(18): 2309–2317. [Full Text /PDF]



C1.    季道藩、曾广文、朱军. (1985). 四个栽培棉种的种仁油分和氨基酸成分的分析。浙江农业大学学报, 11(3) 257-262.[Full text/PDF]

C2.    朱军、季道藩. (1987). 陆地棉产量形状的双列分析。浙江农业大学学报, 13(3) 280-287.[Full text/PDF]

C3.    季道藩、朱军. (1988). 陆地棉品种间杂种的种仁油分和氨基酸成分的遗传分析。作物学报, 1988(1) 1-6.[Full text/PDF]

C4.    朱军. (1992). Mixed model approaches for estimating genetic variances and covariances. 生物数学学报, 7(1): 1-11.[Full text/PDF]

C5.    石春海、朱军. (1992). 型杂交稻碾磨品质的遗传分析. 生物数学学报, 7(4):37-45.

C6.    朱军. (1993). 作物杂种后代基因型值和杂种优势的预测方法. 生物数学学报, 8(1):32-44.[Full text/PDF]

C7.    朱军. (1993). Mixed model approaches for estimating covariances between two traits with unequal design matrices. 生物数学学报, 8(3):24-30.[Full text/PDF]

C8.    朱军、季道藩、许馥华. (1993). 作物品种间杂种优势遗传分析的新方法. 遗传学报, 20(3): 262-271.[Full text /PDF]

C9.    石春海、朱军:(1993). 籼型杂交稻外观品质的遗传分析. 北京农业大学学报, 增刊 V19()69-74.

C10.    吴吉祥 朱军 许馥华. (1993). 陆地棉F2产量性状杂种优势的遗传分析及其预测北京农业大学学报, Vol.19(增刊) ()95-99

C11.    朱军、许馥华、赖鸣冈. (1993). 作物品种区域试验非平衡资料的分析方法: 单一性状的分析. 浙江农业大学学报, 19(1):7-13. [Full text /PDF]

C12.    朱军、赖鸣冈、许馥华. (1993). 作物品种区域试验非平衡资料的分析方法: 综性状的分析. 浙江农业大学学报, 19(3):241-247. [Full text/PDF]

C13.    朱军、季道藩、许馥华. (1993). 陆地棉不同果枝节位开花和成铃遗传效应的分析. 棉花学报, 5(1): 25-32. [Full text /PDF]

C14.    朱军、许馥华. (1994). 禾谷类作物胚乳品质性状的遗传模型及其分析方法. 作物学报, 20(3): 264-270. [Full text /PDF]

C15.    朱军和Weir. (1994). Clustering populations by mixed linear models. 生物数学学报, 9(3) 1-14. [Full text/PDF]

C16.    石春海、朱军. (1994). 籼稻稻米蒸煮品质的种子和母体遗传效应分析. 中国水稻科学, 8(3):129-134. [Full text/PDF]

C17.    朱军. (1994). 广义遗传模型与数量遗传分析新方法. 浙江农业大学学报, 20(6)551-559, [5] [Full text/PDF]

C18.    吴吉祥、朱军. (1994). 不同环境下作物基因型值和杂种优势的分析方法. 浙江农业大学学报, 20(6):587-592. [Full text /PDF]

C19.    石春海、朱军. (1994). 籼稻稻米外观品质与其它品质性状的相关性分析. 浙江农业大学学报, 20(6):606-610.[Full text /PDF]

C20.    朱军、段家龙. (1994). Genetic models and analysis methods for sex-linked and maternal gene effects. 生物数学学报, 9(4):1-9, [5] [Full text /PDF]

C21.    段家龙、 朱军. (1994). 家蚕茧质性状的基因效应分析. 生物数学学报, 9(4): 10-17. [Full text /PDF]

C22.    徐绍英 陈文华 张伟梅 朱军 蔡仁祥. (1994). 二棱大麦籽粒外观品质性状的遗传研究. 浙江农业大学学报, 20(6):593-598. [Full text/PDF]

C23.    吴吉祥、朱军、郑寨生、刘新华、于海富、陈晓阳. (1995). 籼型杂交晚稻农艺性状及综合性状的分析. 中国水稻科学, 9(4):199-204. [Full text/PDF]

C24.    石春海、朱军. (1995). Analysis of seed and maternal genetic effects on milling quality characters in indica hybrid rice. 生物数学学报, 10(3):15-20.

C25.    石春海、朱军. (1995). 稻米营养品质种子效应和母体效应的遗传分析. 遗传学报, 22(5): 372-379. [Full text /PDF]

C26.    吴吉祥、王国建、朱军、季道藩、许馥华. (1995). 陆地棉种子性状的直接效应和母体效应的遗传分析. 作物学报, 21(6):659-664. [Full text/PDF]

C27.    吴吉祥、朱军、季道藩、许馥华. (1995). 陆地棉产量性状的遗传及其与环境互作的分析. 遗传, 17(5): 1-4. [Full text/PDF]

C28.    吴吉祥、朱军、许馥华、季道藩. (1995). 陆地棉F2纤维品质性状杂种优势的遗传分析。棉花学报, 7(4):217-222. [Full text /PDF]

C29.    朱军. (1996). 包括基因型×环境互作效应的种子遗传模型及其分析方法. 遗传学报, 23(1):56-68.  [Full text/PDF]

C30.    石春海、朱军. (1996). 籼稻稻米外观品质的细胞质、母体和胚乳遗传效应分析. 生物数学学报, 11(1):7381. [5] [Full text /PDF]

C31.    石春海和朱军. (1996). 籼稻稻米品质的遗传效应和相关分析.《生命科学研究与应用》, 浙江大学出版社主编:朱军、吴平、陈昆松 453-459.

C32.    石春海杨肖娥薛建明余永贵和朱军. (1996). 种子、细胞质和母体遗传效应对籼型稻杂交稻稻米营养品质杂种优势的影响. 杂交水稻, 1996(1) 23-27 [Full text /PDF]

C33.    石春海和朱军. (1996). 稻米品质性状的间接选择和遗传改良.生物数学学报, 11(2): 89-96. [Full text /PDF]

C34.    王国建 、朱军臧荣春许馥华 、季道藩. (1996). 陆地棉种子品质性状与棉花产量性状的遗传相关性分析. 棉花学报, 8(6):295-300. [Full text /PDF]

C35.    王国建朱军 、臧荣春、许馥华、季道藩. (1996). 陆地棉棉仁营养品质及种子物理性状的遗传相关分析. 浙江农业大学学报, 22(6):585-590[Full text/PDF]

C36.    徐绍英闫新甫 、许梓荣朱军. (1996). 二棱大麦籽粒非必需氨基酸含量的遗传分析. 浙江农业大学学报, 22(6):567-573. [Full text/PDF]

C37.    石春海余永贵薛建明杨肖娥朱军. (1996). Genetic correlation analysis of seed, cytoplasm and maternal plant for nutrient quality in indica rice. 中国水稻科学, 10(3): 143-146[Full text/PDF]

C38.    闫新甫、徐绍英、李卫芬、陈浩军、朱军. (1997). 二棱大麦七种必需氨基酸含量的种子和母体遗传效应分析. 中国农业科学, 30(2):34-41. [Full text/PDF]

C39.    朱军王国建 、臧荣春. (1997). Genetic analysis on gene effects and GE interaction effects for kernel nutrient quality traits of Upland cotton. 生物数学学报, 12(2): 111-120[Full text/PDF]

C40.    沈圣泉 朱军 (1997). 籼粳杂种主要性状的遗传及其与环境互作效应. 浙江农业大学学报, 23(2):5217-222. [Full text /PDF]

C41.    石春海和朱军. (1997).水稻植株农艺性状与稻米碾磨品质的遗传相关性分析. 浙江农业大学学报, 23(3):331-337 [Full text /PDF]

C42.    陈建国、朱军. (1997). 籼梗杂交稻米品质性状与农艺性状之间的遗传协方差分析. 湖北大学学报,19(2): 278-282.[Full text/PDF]

C43.    闫新甫 、徐绍英朱军 、徐新宇. (1998) 麦芽品质性状的遗传模型及其分析方法. 生物数学学报, 13(4): 531-536. [Full text/PDF]

C44.    陈建国、朱军. (1998). 籼梗杂交稻米外观品质性状的遗传及基因型×环境互作效应的研究. 中国农业科学, 31(4):1-7.[Ful text/PDF]

C45.    陈建国朱军臧荣春. (1998). 籼梗亚种间杂交稻米脂肪含量的遗传分析. 热带亚热带植物学报, 6(4): 347-351.[Ful text/PDF]

C46.    石春海、何慈信、朱军. (1998) 稻米碾磨品质性状遗传主效应及其与环境互作的遗传分析. 遗传学报, 25(1)4653. [Full text/PDF]

C47.    徐绍英闫新甫陈庆良 、李碧秋、朱军..(1998). 二棱大麦熟期性状的遗传研究. 生物数学学报, 13 (1):75-79. [Full text/PDF]

C48.    朱军. (1998). 数量性状基因定位的混合线性模型分析方法.遗传 20(增刊)137-138.  [Full text/PDF]

C49.    朱军. (1998 ). 复杂数量性状基因定位的混合模型方法. 王连铮、戴景瑞(主编), 《全国作物育种学术讨论会论文集》:中国农业科技出版社, 北京, PP19-20.

C50.    许自成朱军. (1998).三交设计种子数量性状的遗传模型. 生物数学学报,13(6):1015-1021.

C51.    石春海、朱军、余永贵、杨肖娥、薛建明. (1998) 基因型×环境互作效应对籼型杂交稻稻米营养品质杂种优势的影响. 生物数学学报, 13(6):1035-1041.

C52.    王学德、朱军. (1998). 排除酚类物质干扰提取棉苗线粒体DNA的简易方法. 棉花学报,10(4): 205-209. [Full text /PDF]

C53.    吴吉祥朱军. (1998). 陆地棉F2产量性状杂种优势及与环境互作的预测. 科技通报, 14(5): 343-347  [Full text /PDF]

C54.    徐绍英闫新甫朱军许永汉徐新宇. (1999). 啤酒大麦糖化力及其有关酿造品质性状的胚和胚乳遗传效应分析. 作物学报, 25(1): 25-31. [Full text/PDF]

C55.    陈青朱军吴吉祥. (1999). 陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)不同铃期单株成铃数和籽棉产量的遗传动态分析. 浙江农业大学学报,25(2):155-160. [Full text/PDF]

C56.    朱军. (1999). 运用混合线性模型定位复杂数量性状基因的方法. 浙江大学学报(自然科学版), 333):327-335 [Full text/PDF]

C57.    陈建国、朱军. (1999). 籼梗交稻米蛋白质含量的基因型与环境互作效应的分析. 作物学报, 25(5):579-584 [Full text /PDF]

C58.    Wang Daolong (王道龙), Zhu Jun (朱军), and Li Zhikang (黎志康). (1999). Simulation studies on identification of interaction markers representing QTL epistasis by stepwise regression. (用逐步回归鉴别上位性互做标记的模拟研究). 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 25(5):453-461 [Full text/PDF]

C59.    石春海、何慈信、朱军、陈建国. (1999). Analysis of genetic effects and genotype ´ environment interaction effects for apparent quality traits of indica rice. (籼稻稻米外观品质的遗传主效应和环境互作效应分析). 中国水稻科学,13(3):179-182[Full text/PDF]

C60.    王洪刚、孔令让、李平路、元增军、刘树兵、孔凡晶、朱军. (1999).中间偃麦草与小麦杂交后代的细胞遗传学及性状特点的研究. 作物学报, 25(3)373-380. [Full text /PDF]

C61.    石春海、朱军、杨肖娥、余允贵. (1999). 籼型杂交稻稻米赖氨酸性状的基因型×环境互作效应分析. 中国农业科学, 32(1): 8-14. [Full text/PDF]

C62.    朱军. (2000). Mixed linear model approaches for analyzing genetic models of complex quantitative traits. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science) 2000, 1(1):78-90[Full text/PDF]

C63.    许自成朱军. (2000). 三交和双交组合加性-显性-母体效应的遗传模型及蒙特卡罗模拟分析. 作物学报, 26(1):40-46. [Full text/PDF]

C64.    何慈信 、朱军、严菊强、Mebrouk Benmoussa、吴平. (2000). 水稻穗部干物质重的QTL动态遗传效应研究. 中国农业科学, 33(1):24-32.[Full text/PDF]

C65.    周厚高、朱军. (2000). 等位基因频率资料的分支分类方法. 广西农业生物科学, 18(增刊):158-162.  [Full text/PDF]

C66.    朱军. (2000). 数量性状遗传分析的新方法及其在育种中的应用. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 26(1):1-6 [Full text/PDF]

C67.    周厚高、朱军、闫新甫,2000Estimation of population parameters in genetic polymorphism equilibrium by overdominance model. (用超显性模型估计遗传多态平衡的种群参数) 生物数学学报,15(1):21-28[Full text/PDF]

C68.    胡晋 、徐海明、朱军. (2000)基因型值多次聚类法构建作物种质核心资源库的研究. 生物数学学报,151):103-109.[Full text/PDF]

C69.    许自成朱军: (2000). 双交组合农艺性状的ADAA模型及其分析方法. 遗传学报, 27(3):57-269 [Full text/PDF]

C70.    徐海明 、胡晋 、朱军. (2000)构建作物核心种质资源的一种有效抽样方. 作物学报, 26(2):157-162. [Full text/PDF]

C71.    高用明 、朱军. (2000). 植物QTL定位方法研究进展. 遗传,22(3):175-179.  [Full text/PDF]

C72.    樊笼江、石春海、吴建国、朱军、吴平. (2000). 籼稻糙米厚度的发育遗传研究. 遗传学报,27 10870-877. [Full text/PDF]

C73.    石春海、陈国林、朱军、藏荣春、吴建国、陈双燕. (2000). 籼稻稻米直链淀粉含量的胚、胚乳、细胞质和母体遗传效应分析. 作物学报,266833-838. [Full text/PDF]

C74.    叶子弘 、朱军. (2000). 陆地棉开花成铃性状的遗传研究:III. 不同发育阶段的遗传规律. 遗传学报,27(9):800-809. [Full text/PDF]

C75.    陈文华、王仁杯、吴银良、朱军、徐绍英. (2000). 二棱大麦茎杆特性的ADAA模型遗传研究. 生物数学学报,154):480-486.  [Full text/PDF]

C76.    陈青、朱军、吴吉祥. (2000). 陆地棉不同铃期和铃位籽棉产量杂种优势的遗传研究. 中国农业科学,33(4):97-99.  [Full text/PDF]

C77.    左清凡朱军刘宜柏潘晓云张建中. (2000). 非等试验设计植株农艺及产量性状的数量遗传分析方法. 中国农业科学,33(2):30-33. [Full text/PDF]

C78.    何慈信 、朱军、严菊强、Mebrouk Benmoussa、吴平. (2000). 水稻叶挺长发育动态的QTL分析. 中国水稻科学,14(4)193-198.[Full text/PDF]

C79.    叶子弘 、朱军. (2001). 陆地棉开花成铃性状的遗传研究:II. 不同果枝节位的遗传规律. 作物学报, 27(2):243-252. [Full text/PDF]

C80.    左清凡、朱军、刘宜柏、潘晓云、张建中. (2001). 非等试验设计胚乳品质性状的遗传分析方法. 生物数学学报,16116-22.[Full text/PDF]

C81.    左清凡、朱军、刘宜柏、潘晓云、张建中. (2001) .非等试验设计水稻产量构成性状基因型×环境互作的遗传分析. 作物学报, 27(4):482-488. [Full text/PDF]

C82.    石春海、吴建国、樊笼江、朱军、吴平. (2001). Developmental genetic analysis of brown rice weight under different environmental conditions in indica rice. (不同环境下籼稻糙米重的发育遗传研究). 植物学报, 436):603-609. [Full text/PDF]

C83.    刘鹏渊 、朱军. (2001). 标记辅助选择改良数量性状的研究进展. 遗传, 23(4): 375-380.[Full text/PDF]

C84.    叶子弘 、朱军. (2001). 陆地棉开花成铃性状的遗传研究:开花规律及其影响因素. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 27(1):62-68. [Full text/PDF]

C85.    Cao, G.-Q., J. Zhu, C. X. He, Y. M. Gao and P. Wu. (2001). Study on epistatic effects and QTL ´´environment interaction effects of qtls for panicle length in rice (Oryza sativa L.). (水稻穗长上位性效应和QE互作效应的QTL遗传研究). 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)27(1):55-61. [Full text/PDF]

C86.    曹钢强、朱军、何慈信、高用明、吴平. (2001). QTL Analysis for Epistatic Effects and QTL×Environment Interaction Effects on Final Height of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) 水稻株高上位性效应和QE互作效应的QTL遗传研究). 遗传学报, 28(2): 135-143. [Full text/PDF]

C87.    叶子弘 、朱军. (2001). 数量性状的发育遗传模型及其分析方法的研究进展. 遗传,  23(1):65-68.[Full Text/PDF]

C88.    许自成,朱 . (2001). 三交组合农艺性状的遗传模型及杂种优势预测方法. 生物数学学报,164448-455. [Full text/PDF]

C89.    叶子弘 、卢正中、朱军. (2001). 陆地棉种子物理性状的发育遗传研究. 棉花学报,13(6):323-329.  [Full text/PDF]

C90.    石春海、吴建国、朱军、樊龙江、吴平. (2001). 籼稻精米重量性状的发育遗传分析. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 27(5):483-488. [Full text/PDF]

C91.    胡晋、朱军、徐海明. (2001). Study on property of sample size and different traits for core collections based on genotypic values of cotton. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science), 2(1): 89-93. [Full text/PDF]

C92.    胡晋、徐海明、朱军. (2001). 保留特殊种质材料的核心库构建方法. 生物数学学报,16(3): 348-352. [Full text/PDF]

C93.    王洪刚、朱军、刘树兵. (2001). 利用细胞学和RAPD技术鉴定抗病小偃麦易位系. 作物学报, 27(6):886-890. [Full text/PDF]

C94.    石春海、吴建国、樊龙江、朱军、吴平. (2002). 不同环境条件下稻米透明度的发育遗传分析. 遗传学报, 29(1):56-61.[Full text/PDF]

C95.    曹立勇、朱军、颜启传.(2002).水稻幼苗活力相关性状的QTLs定位和上位性分析. 作物学报,286:809-815 [Full text/PDF]

C96.    曹立勇、朱军、颜启传、程式华. (2002).水稻籼粳交DH群体幼苗中胚轴长度的QTLs定位和上位性分析. 中国水稻科学, 16(3): 221-224 [Full text/PDF]

C97.    曹立勇、朱军、颜启传. (2002).水稻籼粳交DH群体耐热性的QTLs定位, 农业生物技术学报, 10(3): 210-214 [Full text/PDF]

C98.    阿布德拉芒、朱军. (2002). 加性-显性-母体效应及GE互作效应遗传模型的模拟比较. 生物数学学报, 17(2).208-214. [Full text/PDF]

C99.    陈建国朱军. (2002).籼粳交稻米蒸煮品质性状的遗传效应分析. 生物数学学报, 17(2). 229-234. [Full text/PDF]

C100.  Benmoussa,M.、朱军、严菊强、何慈信、吴平. (2002). QTL analysis of genetic main effects and genotype ´ environment interaction effects for yield components in rice (Oryza sativa L.) (水稻产量因子的遗传主效应及基因型和环境互作效应的QTL分析). 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 28(2): 127-135. [Full text/PDF]

C101.  许自成、吕德彬、朱军. (2003). 三交组合ADAA模型和种子模型的Monte Carlo模拟分析. 河南农业大学学报, 37(4): 311-316. [Full text/PDF]

C102.  袁爱平、曹立勇、庄杰云、李润植、郑康乐、朱军、程式华. (2003). 水稻株高、抽穗期和有效穗数的QTL与环境的互作分析. 遗传学报, 30(10): 899-906. [Full text/PDF]

C103.  GAO Yong-ming (高用明)ZHU Jun (朱军)SONG You-shen (宋佑胜)HE Ci-xin (何慈信)SHI Chun-hai (石春海)XING Yong-zhong (邢永忠). (2004). Analysis of digenic epistatic effects and QE interaction effects QTL controlling grain weight in rice. Journal of Zhejiang University (SCIENCE), 5(4)371-377. [Full text/PDF]

C104.  Pan H. Y., J. Zhu, Danfu Han. (2004). Genetic algorithms applied to multi-class clustering for gene expression data. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (GPB), 1(4): 279-287. [Full text/PDF]

C105.  徐海明、朱军. (2004). 复杂疾病/性状的基因定位. 生命科学, 16(4): 259-260. [Full text/PDF]

C106.  高永明、朱军、宋佑胜、何慈信、石春海、邢永忠. (2004). 水稻永久F2群体抽穗期QTL的上位性及其与环境互作效应的分析. 作物学报, 30: 849-854.[Full text/PDF]

C107.  张文英、陈君奇、朱军、吴为人. (2004). 上位性及其在遗传育种中的应用. 生物信息学, 2:39-41. [Full text/PDF]

C108.  Pan H. Y. (潘海燕)J. Zhu (朱军)D. F. Han(韩丹夫). (2004). A new method for analyzing expression data. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 30(5):492-494. [Full text/PDF]

C109.  杨永霞、P. K. Pathak、朱军. (2005). 水稻苗重的耐冷性动态QTLs定位. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 31(2): 131-138, 20  [Full text/PDF]

C110.  许自成、朱军. (2005). 复交组合种子性状杂种优势的预测方法. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 31(2): 139-144. [Full text/PDF]

C111.  Wen Y. X., J. Zhu, (2005). Multivariable Conditional Analysis for Complex Trait and Its Components. 遗传学报(Acta Genetica Sinica), 32(3): 289-296.[Full text/PDF]

C112.  WANG X. S. (汪旭升), J. ZHU ( ), MANSUETO Locedie, BRUSKIEWICH Richard. 2005. Identification of candidate genes for drought stress tolerance in rice by the integration of a genetic (QTL) map with the rice genome physical map. Journal of Zhejiang University (SCIENCE), 6B(5): 382-388.[Full text/PDF]

C113.  Pan H. Y., J. Zhu, D. F. Han. (2005). Clustering Gene Expression Data Based on Predicted Differential Effects of GV Interaction. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (GPB), 3(1): 36-41.[Full text/PDF]

C114.  Wu, J., J. Zhu, J. N. Jenkins, and J. C. McCarty Jr. (2005). A new method for constructing linkage maps for organisms with achiasmatic gametogenesis (非交叉配子形成体的连锁图谱构建方法). 遗传学报, 32(6):608-615.[Full text/PDF]

C115.  金谷雷、汪旭升、朱军. (2005). 水稻14-3-3蛋白家族的生物信息学分析. 遗传学报, 32(7):726-732.[Full text/PDF]

C116.  肖炳光、朱军、卢秀萍、白永富、李永平. (2005). 烤烟主要农艺性状对产量的遗传贡献率分析. 遗传学报, 32(1)): 1089-1093. [Full text/PDF]

C117.  陈仲中、汪旭升、朱军 (2005).  基于水稻基因组序列SSR的多态性分析. 中国水稻科学, 19 (4) :303307  [Full text/PDF]

C118.. 肖炳光、朱军、卢秀萍、李永平、白永富. (2005). 烤烟几种主要化学成分的遗传分析,作物学报,31(12): 1557-1561.[Full text/PDF]

C119.. 刘鹏渊、朱军、陆燕 (2006).  Impacts of QTL × Environment Interactions on Genetic Response to Marker-Assisted Selection. ( QTL × 环境互作对标记辅助选择响应的影响 ). 遗传学报, 33 (1): 63-71. [Full text/PDF]

C120. 许自成、丁永乐、朱军. 2005. 双交组合种子性状的遗传模型及蒙特卡罗模拟分析.生物数学学报,20(3):339-344.  [Full Text /PDF]

C121.肖炳光、朱军、卢秀萍、白永富、李永平.  (2006). 烤烟主要农艺性状的遗传与相关分析遗传, 28 (3): 317-323. [Full Text /PDF]

C122. 梅拥军、朱军、张利莉、郭伟锋、胡守林. (2006). 陆地棉产量组分对主要纤维品质性状的贡献分析. 中国农业科学, 39(4):848-854. [Full Text /PDF]

C123. Zhou Y. Y., J. Yang, J. Zhu. (2006), A robust statistical procedure to discover expression biomarkers using microarray genomic expression data. J Zhejiang Univ SCIENCE B, 7(8):603-607. [Full Text /PDF]

C124. 刘桂富徐海明杨剑朱军. (2006). Genetic analysis on tiller number and plant height per plant in rice (Oryza sativa L. ). (水稻(Oryza sativa L.)分蘖数和株高的遗传分析). 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 32 (5): 527-534. [Full Text /PDF]

C125. 肖炳光、徐照丽、陈学军、申爱、李永平、朱军. (2006). 利用DH群体构建烤烟分子标记遗传连锁图. 中国烟草学报, 12(4):35-40. [Full Text /PDF]

C126. Hu C. C., X. Z. Ye, Y. Zhang, R. D. Yu, J. Yang, and J. Zhu. (2007). 3D graphical visualization of the genetic architectures underlying complex traits in multiple environments. J Zhejiang Univ SCIENCE A, 8(4) 563-567. [Full Text /PDF]

C127. 韩立德、杨剑、朱军. (2007). 数量性状的核质互作遗传效应分析:二倍体植株遗传模型. 遗传学报, 34 (6): 562-568. [Full Text /PDF]

C128. 刘桂富、杨剑、徐海明、朱军. (2007). Influence of epistasis and QTL × environment interaction on heading date of rice (Oryza sativa L.). 遗传学报,34(7): 608-615.[Full Text /PDF]

C129. 赵彦宏、朱军、徐海明、杨剑、高用明、宋佑胜、石春海、邢永忠. 2007. Predicting heterosis of effective panicle number per plant based on QTL mapping in rice. 中国水稻科学,21 (4) :350-354. [Full Text /PDF]

C130. 曹刚强、高用明、朱军. (2007). 多环境下水稻DH群体剑叶长度的QTL分析. 作物学报,33(2):223-229. [Full Text /PDF]

C131. 赵彦宏、朱军、杨剑、徐海明、高用明、宋佑胜、石春海、邢永忠. (2007). 基于水稻QTL定位分析预测单穗粒重最优基因型[英语]. 作物学报,33(11): 1856-1861. [Full Text /PDF]

C132. 程君奇、吴建国、石春海、朱军. (2007).  Analysis of epistasis: A genetic model for triploid endosperm traits. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 33(1): 1-7. [Full Text /PDF]

C133. 肖天霞、赵向前、汪旭升、吴为人、朱军. (2007). 基于PCR的水稻候选RGA标记检验和评估. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 33(1): 51-55. [Full Text /PDF]




  • 经典数量遗传的分析软件:
  • QTL定位分析软件:
    • 基于DOS界面的QTL作图软件: QTLMaper1.6           QTLMaper2.0
    • 基于微软视窗界面的QTL分析软件:   QTLNetwork (2008年12月15日更新)
  • 生物信息学分析软件:


  • 《遗传模型分析原理》: PDF


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