Detailed information

Ilex asprella

Accession name :JAHQCQ000000000

Basic information

Ploidy Order Family Clade APG_IV
NA Aquifoliales Aquifoliaceae Asterids Core eudicots

Genomic features

Estimated genome size(Mb) Assembled genome size(Mb) Predicted gene number Scaffold N50 size(Kb) Contig N50 size(Kb)
850 804.071636 38721 32500 24

Sequencing platform & Assembly tool

Sequencing platform Platform classification If use HiC for scaffolding Software of contig assembly Software of polishing Software of scaffolding Software of HiC scaffolding
NGS yes Supernova

Published article

Publish year Publication PMID or DOI Country or Institution
2022 Genomics 10.1016/j.ygeno.2022.110366 China

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