Release 3.0
In the third release of the N3 database, a total of 3,517 de novo or reference plant genomes representing 1,575 plant species up to now (from 2000 to December 2023) were included. In the last three years (2021-2023), 2,373 genomes of 1,031 plant species, including 793 newly sequenced species were assembled, showing a great leap. We present a complete of dataset of all available plant reference/de novo genomes sequenced by different labs around the world up to now, and provide researchers a user-friendly platform for tracking and accessing the detailed information of all sequenced plant genomes in a convenient and timely manner. The genome information (e.g., quality and integrity of assemblies) collected by this study helps readers understand the status of the genomes; and the N3 database serves as an excellent one-stop-shop for directly accessing representative plant genomes and their annotated genes from 91 orders by BLAST and genome browser JBrowse for researchers who are interested in plant diversity and evolution.
(by Lingjuan Xie, Xiaojiao Gong, Kun Yang and Longjiang Fan)

Release 2.0
In the second release of the N3 database, a total of de novo or reference 1,857 genomes representing 841 different plant species (622 new species) published in recent two years (from January, 2021 to June, 2023) were collected. Taken the genomes of Release 1.0, a total of de novo or reference 2,836 genomes from 1,410 species were included in the current release version. On the basis of the release 1.0, more details about the genomes or species (such as ploidy, assembly software, types of sequencing reads, especially HiFi reads and ONT ultra-long reads) were further provided in the the current version. Meanwhile, the information of pan-genomes and T2T assembly were separately provided in the database; the websites of main sequencing platforms and genome assemblers used in the recent two years were provided in the 'Links' module. In the current database, you can search for any species or T2T assemblies, pan-genomes or genomes sequenced by HiFi or ONT ultra-long reads.
(by Xiaojiao Gong, Lingjuan Xie, Kun Yang and Longjiang Fan)

Release 1.0
In the first 20 years (2000-2020) since the first plant was sequenced, 1,031 de novo or reference genomes of 788 different plant species have been published (Sun et al., 2021, Trends in Plant Science). In the first version of the N3 database, we collected the 1,031 de novo genomes from the 788 species and provide details about them, including species classification, assembly level, genome size, assembly continuity index, sequencing platform, literature source, publication journal, and country or institution who sequenced genomes. The 788 species mainly are angiosperms (nearly 90%), while 10% of them are gymnosperms, ferns, lycophytes, bryophytes, and chlorophyta.
(by Xiaojiao Gong, Yanqing Sun and Longjiang Fan)