Laura Almasy (San Antonio, TX, USA) Linkage analysis for quantitative traits using whole genome data
Leif Andersson (Uppsala, Sweden) Genes for quantitative traits in domestic animals
Ed Buckler (Ithaca, NY, USA) Dissection of complex traits in maize
Lon Cardon (Oxford, UK) Association mapping of quantitative traits
Andy Clark (USA) Evolutionary quantitative genetics of gene regulatory networks
Mike Goddard (Melbourne, Australia) Genomic selection
Fred Hospital (Gif-sur-Yvette , France) Challenges for effective marker assisted selection in plants
Jean-Luc Jannink (Ames, IA, USA) Design and analysis for QTL detection in plant populations
Peter Keightley (Edinburgh, UK) Analysis and implications of mutational variation
Mark Kirkpatrick (Austin, TX, USA) Evolutionary quantitative genetics
Ning Li (Beijing, China) Genomics in quantitative genetic analysis
Trudy Mackay (Raleigh, NC, USA) The genetic architecture of complex behaviours: Lessons from Drosophila
Eric Schadt (Seattle, WA, USA) Reconstructing genetic networks to identify subtypes of disease and key regulators of disease and their associated network components
Pak Sham (Hong Kong) Application of genome-wide SNP data for uncovering pairwise relationships and quantitative trait loci
Daniel Sorensen (Foulum, Denmark) Developments in statistical analysis in quantitative genetics
Hamish Spencer (Otago, New Zealand) Effects of genomic imprinting on quantitative traits
Peter Visscher (Brisbane, Australia) Utilisation of whole genome mapping to partition genetic variation
Bruce Walsh (Tucson, AZ, USA) Quantitative Genetics, version 3.0:Where have we gone since 1987 (last congress) and where are we headed?
Zhao-Bang Zeng (Raleigh, NC, USA) Statistical issues of gene expression QTL analysis
Qifa Zhang (Wuhan, China) Genetic basis of heterosis in crop plants
Qin Zhang (Beijing, China) QTL mapping in animals
Yuan-Ming Zhang (Nanjing, China) Methodologies for segregation analysis and QTL mapping in plants
Jun Zhu (Hangzhou, China) Mixed model methods for analyzing complex traits