QTLMapper Version 1.6

A Computer Software for Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) with Additive Effects, Epistatic Effects and QTL ´ Environment Interactions

 Copyright 2003  ©

Daolong Wang1,2, Jun Zhu1, Zhikang Li3, Andrew H. Paterson4

                                1. Department of Agronomy, Zhejiang University, China

                                2. Biometrics Section, Anhui Agricultural University, China

                                3. Plant Genetics, Breeding, and Biochemistry Department, IRRI

                                4. Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA


This software can be freely redistributed with non-commercial purpose

and under the condition of no changes to the software and its related documents.

No warranty of any sort is provided for use of the software.

Hardware: PC 586 or higher; 32MB RAM or more; at least 10 Mb free space on hard disk.

Operation System: Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP.

The latest release (12/12/2004) of the software is available for download QTLMaper1.6.zip. Unzip QTLMaper1.6.zip into a directory without any Chinese character. QTLMapper 1.6 is composed of QTLMapper1.6.exe, QTLMapperManual.pdf, qtlmaper.ini, and two sample files. QTLMapper1.6.exe, an executable file, is the core of QTLMapper 1.6. It performs all the operations necessary for QTL mapping analysis. QTLMapperManual.pdf is a PDF file that provides on-line help. Qtlmaper.ini, also a text file, is used for initialization of settings when QTLMapper1.6.exe is started (see a later section for more details). If Qtlmaper.ini does not exist, QTLMapper1.6.exe will automatically create one that contains default settings. Sample input files are provided for demonstrating the format for input files required by QTLMapper 1.6.

If you have any questions with our software, please contact Jun Zhu, Department of Agronomy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310029, China. Email: jzhu@zju.edu.cn.

Wang DL, J Zhu, ZK Li and AH Paterson (1999) Mapping QTLs with epistatic effects and QTL กม environment interactions by mixed linear model approaches. Theor. Appl. Genet. 99:1255-1264.

Zhu J (1998) Mixed model approaches of mapping genes for complex quantitative traits. In: Wang LZ and Dai JR (eds) Proceedings of Genetics and Crop Breeding of China, Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology Publication House, Beijing, pp19-20.

Zhu J (2000) Mixed linear model approaches for analyzing genetic models of complex quantitative traits. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science) 1(1):78-90.

Zhu J and BS Weir (1998) Mixed model approaches for genetic analysis of quantitative traits. In: Chen LS, Ruan SG, and Zhu J (eds) Advanced Topics in Biomathematics: Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematical Biology, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, pp321-330.

Zhu J (1999) Mixed model approaches of mapping genes for complex quantitative traits. Journal of Zhejiang University (Natural Science), 33(3): 327-335.

Wang DL, J Zhu, ZK Li, and AH Paterson (1999) Mapping QTLs with epistatic effects and QTL กม environment interactions by mixed linear model approaches. Theor. Appl. Genet. 99:1255-1264.