Institute of Bioinformatics (IBI), Zhejiang University
Director: Professor Jun Zhu
Active Director: Professor Longjiang Fan
Associate Director: Professor Haiming Xu and Professor Ming Chen
Institute of Bioinformatics (IBI), Zhejiang University, was founded in 2001 and is one of bioinformatics institutions firstly established in Chinese universities. IBI was founded by professor Zhu Jun, academician Yang Huanming and academician Hao Bolin. The first directors of the Institute were professor Zhu Jun and academician Yang Huanming. In the early days, IBI did a lot of pioneering works on genomics, which significantly improved the teaching and researching of bioinformatics in Zhejiang University. In recent years, professors of bioinformatics from College of Agriculture and Biotechnology and College of Life Sciences, have built up numerous bonds of cooperation with researchers from institutes of mathematics, computer science and technology, medicine and animal science in Zhejiang University, and carried out many extensive and frontier researches, which acquire remarkable achievements and further improve bioinformatics studies and principle construction.
Up to now, IBI has been rewarded by many grants, including two national projects ("973"), one key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. IBI has a good research team which are consisted of professors of 1000 Talents Program of China, outstanding teacher and researchers of New Century Excellent Researcher Program of Ministry of Education. Meanwhile, IBI provides courses of "Bioinformatics", "Genomic Data Analysis", "Experimental Designs and SAS Analysis" etc. for undergraduates and graduates in Zhejiang University. IBI edited and published several national textbooks, such as Bioinformatics, Genomics, Plant Genomics and more than 100 papers in major journals such as, Nature, Science, Cell, Nature series, PNAS, Genome Biology, Bioinformatics, Brief in Bioinformatics, etc.